Though a post-Kyoto agreement may not be reached at the COP15 meeting, it is to be seen whether the developed Annex I countries, which have emitted the major portion of the human-induced carbon dioxide currently in the atmosphere, agree to cuts on greenhouse gas emissions.
The European Union, part of the Annex I countries, has displayed more willingness to take action to control climate change. However, the Umbrella Group nations, such as, the United States, Canada and Australia, have not played very cooperating role.
Particularly, the United States has refused to make binding commitments. They need major developing economies, such as India and China, to be included in an agreement.
The developing nations most actively represent the G-77 block and have indicated a willingness to cut omissions. Their demand is that the developed countries should take a leadership role.
They contend that early action only by developed countries will not be enough to prevent climate change.